Publication Opportunities
We are very pleased to announce that the following journals will publish a selection of papers from the ISAHP 2024 conference. More journals will be added as the calls for papers become available. If you would like your paper considered for publication in one of the following journals, please note that papers submitted for publication will follow an additional review process. Selected authors will be invited to submit extended versions of their paper by the responsible of each special issue and their papers will be fast-tracked for review.
The papers presented during the conference will be published in our online conference proceedings. You can see past conference proceedings here.

Journal of Enterprise Information Management (JEIM) (ISSN: 1741-0398, eISSN: 1741-0398) publishes high quality articles of significant intellectual interest and commercial relevance to managers, consultants, academics and students operating within an information intense business driven enterprise.
JEIM publishes research findings from internationally distinguished experts. Scholarly examinations of the latest theory and practice from the foremost research institutions are augmented by contributions from senior business managers and consultants, who report on specific enterprise case experiences that promote the learning of others by comparing and contrasting environmental settings.
This blended contribution of theoretical and practical outcomes results in an extensive communication of commercial findings and audience understanding of current, applied and rigorous information management that spans an enterprise and its rich supply chains.
JEIM is indexed in Web of Science and Scopus

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management (JIEM)(Online ISSN: 2013-0953; Print ISSN: 2013-8423) is an open access scientific journal that publishes theoretical and empirical peer-reviewed articles, that are aimed to contrast and extend existing theories, and build new theories that contribute to advance our understanding of phenomena related with industrial engineering and industrial management in organizations, from the perspectives of Production Planning/Scheduling/Inventory, Logistics/Supply Chain, Quality Management, Operations Management and Operational Research.
The contributions can adopt confirmatory (quantitative) or explanatory (mainly qualitative) methodological approaches. Theoretical essays that enhance the building or extension of theoretical approaches are also welcome. JIEM selects the articles to be published with a double bind, peer review system, following the practices of good scholarly journals. JIEM is published quarterly (on-line and printed versions), following an open access policy. On-line publication allows to reduce publishing costs, and to make more agile the process of reviewing and edition. JIEM defends that open access publishing fosters the advance of scientific knowledge, making it available to everyone.
Main topics of interest but not limit to:
· Supply chain
· Lean manufacturing
· Operations improvement
· Innovation management in operations
· Operations in service industry
· Operational Research
· Total Quality Management
· Innovation in Engineering/Management Education
· Total Productive Maintenance
· How to manage workforce in operations
· Logistic in general
JIEM is indexed in Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index ESCI) and Scopus
Call for papers: File

Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation (JEMI)
Journal of ENTREPRENEURSHIP, MANAGEMENT, and INNOVATION (JEMI) will be a Publication Partner for the ISAHP2024 Conference.
Dr. Anna Ujwary-Gil and Dr. Anna Florek-Paszkowska, Editors-in-Chief of JEMI, will collaborate closely with the Organizational Team of ISAHP2024 to identify the top papers that align with the journal's scope. Authors of these selected papers will be invited to submit their work to JEMI, where it will undergo a rigorous peer-review process.
Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation (JEMI) ([e] ISSN 2299-7326, [p] ISSN 2299-7075) is an interdisciplinary, double-blind peer-reviewed journal, emphasizing theoretical and empirical articles on entrepreneurship, management, and innovation. The journal is published in ELECTRONIC (online first) and PRINT (occasionally) formats.
JEMI is an interdisciplinary, focused on economics, business, and management journal that uniquely combines three thematic areas: i) entrepreneurship, including entrepreneurial process, entrepreneurial finance, and SME and entrepreneurship policy; ii) all types of management; iii) innovation, comprising innovation economics, policy, and management. In this vein, the JEMI contributes to economics, business, and management research, as well as business practice and policy in the closely related areas of new venture creation and growth, knowledge generation, retention, appropriation, transfer, and governance, as well as innovation processes and their economic impacts. In a nutshell, our journal addresses the interrelated research fields of entrepreneurial venturing and growth, management, and innovation economics and management. We also acknowledge the context of business venturing, knowledge and innovation, by linking these areas with such background topics as social context of entrepreneurship, environmental and energy issues, human resource migration, or entrepreneurial finance.
JEMI is indexed in Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index ESCI) and Scopus

International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (IJAHP)
Participants are encouraged to follow up their ISAHP conference presentation with a full paper and submit it to the International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (IJAHP) after the ISAHP event for revision and eventual publication in a special issue or as part of a special section dedicated to the symposium in the first and/or second IJAHP issue in 2025.
Guest Editor: Dr. Mujgan Sagir Özdemir - Eskisehir Osmangazi University
Guest Co-Editor: Dr. Hannia Gonzalez-Urango - Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
IJAHP (ISSN: 1936-6744) is a scholarly journal that publishes papers about research and applications of the Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) and Analytic Network Process(ANP), theories of measurement that can handle tangibles and intangibles; these methods are often applied in multicriteria decision making, prioritization, ranking and resource allocation, especially when groups of people are involved. The journal encourages research papers in both theory and applications. Empirical investigations, comparisons and exemplary real-world applications in diverse areas are particularly welcome.
The objective of IJAHP is to offer authors on AHP and ANP a special outlet with readers and reviewers knowledgeable about the basics of these theories who are capable of appreciating and giving feedback on innovative papers. We want to give the broad international community of AHP and ANP experts, who come from both the academic and practitioner worlds, a place where they can publish and discuss their ideas.
IJAHP is indexed in Scopus
Call for papers: File

WPOM (e-ISSN: 1989-9068) is an open access scientific journal that publishes advances and results of operations management research. The goal is to produce capsules of knowledge: addressing a very specific subject, developed with an impeccable academic methodology, so that constitutes in itself a contribution to the area.
The opinions are a responsibility of the authors.
The aim of this publication is to facilitate the access to the academic debate of the research that subsequently will turn into other scientific projects. Thus they can cite and protect against plagiarism the ideas written, without damage of being spread in other media or publications that the author considers to be suitable.
WPOM publishes articles in English and/or Spanish.
WPOM is indexed in Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index ESCI)
Call for papers: File

Mathematics (ISSN: 2227-7390) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that provides an advanced forum for studies related to mathematics and is published semimonthly online by MDPI. The European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT) and the International Society for the Study of Information (IS4SI) are affiliated with Mathematics, and their members receive a discount on article processing charges.
Prof. Valerio Salomon ( is the guest editor of the Mathematics special issue Applied Mathematics and Applications of Multi-criteria Decision-Making Methods. As a member of the ISAHP's international advisory committee, Prof. Salomon will pay particular attention to this issue and aim to fast-track the publication of works developed from ISAHP presentations.
Studies from case research are especially welcomed since our aim is to publish papers on new applications of multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) methods. Theoretical or methodological studies will also be accepted as long as they include a practical example in their contribution. Furthermore, literature reviews will be considered since MCDM theory continues to evolve.
Mathematics is very well indexed in Scopus (90th Percentile in general mathematics) and Web of Science (JCR=2.3).
Decision Making in Manufacturing and Services (DMMS)
Decision Making in Manufacturing and Services (p-ISSN 1896-8325, e-ISSN 2300-7087) is a peer-reviewed, annual, open access and APC-free journal dedicated to publishing papers of interest to the entire Decision Making community, including academic and industry researchers and decision makers working at the interface of research and implementation in manufacturing and services. DMMS objective is to serve the entire Decision Making community, including academic and industry researchers and decision makers working at the interface of research and implementation in manufacturing and services. The journal encourages a variety of methodological approaches to decision making in manufacturing and services. The papers may be theoretical or empirical, analytical or computational, and may be based on a variety of disciplinary foundations such as management, economics, operations research, computer science, engineering, psychology, etc. The DMMS also publishes state of the art reports by invited authors, critical reviews and special issues devoted to particular topics.
Open call: sustainable decision making
Successful striving to sustainability and long-term resilience in a constantly changing world depends very much on availability of adequate decision support methodology and tools. Thus, an urgent need evolves to provide and disseminate them. This is why DMMS journal invites original research papers for its special issue on sustainable decision making.
Scope and Themes:
This special issue seeks to explore theoretical and practical aspects of decision-making support. Innovative research, case studies, and theoretical contributions that deal with sustainable decision making.
Submission Guidelines:
Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts that adhere to the journal’s guidelines, which can be found on our Submission Portal:
All submissions will undergo a double-blind peer-review process.
Important dates
Submission Deadline: 31st March 2025
Review Completion: 30st April 2025
Final Manuscript Due: 15th May 2025
Publication Date: second half of 2025
For inquiries regarding the special issue or submission process, please contact Katarzyna Gdowska (