December 13- December 15, 2024 / WEB Conference International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process

Enhancing Decision Making with AI
December 13- December 15, 2024WEB Conference



Message from the Program Organizing Committee

Welcome to ISAHP 2018 in Hong Kong. I was the chairman of ISAHP 1991 that took place in Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Twenty-seven years ago our largest expenditure was printing the papers in the symposium. It is befitting that this symposium emphasis is on technology, entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility. We now focus more on people and how they communicate than in the media used to transmit the message.

AHP/ANP has now extended to many parts of the world as the keynote speakers can testify. Two years ago we met in Europe, specifically in London. However, we could not forget Asia, and in particular China where the first symposium took place, with the late Professor Shubo Xu as its chairman, under the auspices of Tianjin University. Since then we met in many countries. A list of the fourteen previous symposiums can be found in

Finally, let us not forget the location of the symposium, Hong Kong. An exciting city, always evolving, full of life and creativity. It is the world's seventh largest trading entity. It has one of the highest per capita income, the seventh highest life expectancy and the most skyscrapers, in the world, surrounding Victoria Harbor. Over 90 percent of its inhabitants use the well-developed public transportation system.

I wish all of you success in your presentations, interactions and networking with other AHP/ANP researchers. Four journals have offered to prepare guest editor issues helping to spread the word about the symposium. Enjoy!

Thomas L. Saaty † (1926-2017)
Honorary Founding Chairman

Luis Vargas
Program Co-Chair

Jennifer Shang
Program Co-Chair