December 13- December 15, 2024 / WEB Conference International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process

Enhancing Decision Making with AI
December 13- December 15, 2024WEB Conference

News & Updates

Virtual ISAHP2024 will take place on December 13-15, 2024

11 Jul, 2024

It is a pleasure to announce the third virtual meeting of the International Symposium of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, ISAHP2024, on December 13 – 15, 2024. The theme for this symposium is "Enhancing Decision Making with AI" and the focus will be to explore the integration of advanced AI technologies with decision-making processes. The symposium will showcase the latest research and practical applications from resource allocation to contract negotiation, and conflict resolution along with changes and updates in the methodological steps needed to gain in practicality and applicability. You are all invited to present your completed research, research in progress and research proposals at this online live web conference. Keep the following dates in mind::